Results for 'Mark J. Rauzon'

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  1. Reef fishes of the East Indies.Gerald R. Allen, Mark V. Erdmann, John E. Randall, Patrick Ching, Mark J. Rauzon, Leslie Ann Hayashi, M. D. Thomas, D. R. Robertson, Leighton Taylor & Marion Coste - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Thought experiments in physics education: A simple and practical example.Mark J. Lattery - 2001 - Science & Education 10 (5):485-492.
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    Reducing False Recognition in the Deese-Roediger/McDermott Paradigm: Related Lures Reveal How Distinctive Encoding Improves Encoding and Monitoring Processes.Mark J. Huff, Glen E. Bodner & Matthew R. Gretz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In the Deese-Roediger/McDermott paradigm, distinctive encoding of list items typically reduces false recognition of critical lures relative to a read-only control. This reduction can be due to enhanced item-specific processing, reduced relational processing, and/or increased test-based monitoring. However, it is unclear whether distinctive encoding reduces false recognition in a selective or global manner. To examine this question, participants studied DRM lists using a distinctive item-specific anagram generation task and then completed a recognition test which included both DRM critical lures and (...)
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    The Goals of Medicine: The Forgotten Issues in Health Care Reform.Mark J. Hanson & Daniel Callahan - 2000 - Georgetown University Press.
    Debates over health care have focused for so long on economics that the proper goals for medicine seem to be taken for granted; yet problems in health care stem as much from a lack of agreement about the goals and priorities of medicine as from the way systems function. This book asks basic questions about the purposes and ends of medicine and shows that the answers have practical implications for future health care delivery, medical research, and the education of medical (...)
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    Natural Law and the Possibility of a Global Ethics.Mark J. Cherry (ed.) - 2004 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Accounts of natural law moral philosophy and theology sought principles and precepts for morality, law, and other forms of social authority, whose prescriptive force was not dependent for validity on human decision, social influence, past tradition, or cultural convention, but through natural reason itself. This volume critically explores and assesses our contemporary culture wars in terms of: the possibility of natural law moral philosophy and theology to provide a unique, content-full, canonical morality; the character and nature of moral pluralism; the (...)
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    defenders and by its detractors alike, thatecclesiasticalthoughtinthe age that separates Paul from Constantine was not a mere blossoming of the primitive gospel but a kind of oleaster, the result of a studious grafting of mundane philosophies on to the biblical stem. There arethose who.Mark J. Edwards - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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  7. The normativity of the natural : can philosophers pull morality out of the magic hat of human nature?Mark J. Cherry - 2009 - In The normativity of the natural: human goods, human virtues, and human flourishing. [Dordrecht]: Springer.
  8.  11
    Faith, Reason, and Beyond Reason: Essays on Epistemology and Theology.Mark J. Boone - 2024 - Wipe and Stock.
    The relationship between faith and reason is multifaceted. Faith transcends reason in that it is more than reason alone can contain or fully guarantee, yet it is neither unreasonable nor something to which reason is irrelevant--and reason says some pretty fine things about it! This volume updates nine previously published articles on faith and reason by a Christian philosopher who has been studying these matters for two decades, alongside one new essay and a philosophical dialogue. These articles explain and integrate (...)
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    Originalism in Theology and Law: Comparing Perspectives on the Bible and the Constitution.Mark J. Boone (ed.) - 2024 - Lexington Books.
    In the study of American law, originalism is primarily a theory about the meaning of the Constitution-that its meaning can only change when its words change. Originalism also appears in biblical theology as a theory on the meaning of the Biblethat its meaning is that intended by the original authors. Originalism in Theology and Law: Comparing Perspectives on the Bible and the Constitution offers a study of originalism in both the Bible and the Constitution. While there are significant connections between (...)
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    Theorising future conflict: war out to 2049.Mark J. Lacy - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book explores the changing tactics, technologies and terrains of 21st century war. It argues that the world in 2049 is unlikely to look like the climate change/AI dystopia depicted in Blade Runner 2049; but nor will it be a world where conflict and war has been transformed by a 'civilizing process' that eradicates violence and conflict from the human condition. 2049 is also the year that the US Department of Defense has suggested China will become a world-shaping military power. (...)
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    Image, Word and God in the Early Christian Centuries.Mark J. Edwards - 2013 - Ashgate.
    Seeing and hearing God in the Old Testament -- Seeing and hearing God in the New Testament -- Word and image in classical Greek philosophy -- Philosophers and sophists of the early Roman era -- Image, text and incarnation in the second century -- Image, text and incarnation in the third century -- Neoplatonism and the arts -- Image, text and incarnation in the fourth century -- Myth and text in proclus -- Christianity of Christian Platonism.
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    Expanding the book reviews.Mark J. Stefik - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 26 (2):225.
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    Dominating countably many forecasts.Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Joseph B. Kadane - unknown
    We investigate differences between a simple Dominance Principle applied to sums of fair prices for variables and dominance applied to sums of forecasts for variables scored by proper scoring rules. In particular, we consider differences when fair prices and forecasts correspond to finitely additive expectations and dominance is applied with infinitely many prices and/or forecasts.
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    A Trinitarian Ascent: How Augustine’s Sermons on the Psalms of Ascent Transform the Ascent Tradition.Mark J. Boone - 2024 - Religions 15 (5).
    Augustine’s sermons on the Psalms of Ascent, part of the Enarrationes in Psalmos, are a unique entry in the venerable tradition of those writings that aim to help us ascend to a higher reality. These sermons transform the ascent genre by giving, in the place of the Platonic account of ascent, a Christian ascent narrative with a Trinitarian structure. Not just the individual ascends, but the community that is the church, the body of Christ, also ascends. The ascent is up (...)
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    Covenant Theology: Contemporary Approaches.Mark J. Cartledge & David Mills (eds.) - 2001 - Paternoster Publishing.
    Covenant Theology brings together a number of perspectives on this important feature of Christian tradition from across the theological discipline. Based on four lectures delivered at the University of Liverpool, each address is followed by a response, allowing respected scholars of the field to engage in lively and public debate. The progression from Old Testament to New Testament, then to systematic theology and pastoral theology is intentional, as readers are encouraged to view theology as an integrative discipline rather than a (...)
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    Aristotle and Plotinus on the Intellect: Monism and Dualism Revisited.Mark J. Nyvlt - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    The scope of this book is to revisit the ancient Aristotelian and Plotinian philosophical and metaphysical problem of dualism and monism with respect to the first principle. Essentially, it defends Aristotle’s position of the primacy of an intelligible first principle over the Plotinian philosophical move to affirm a principle above Intellect.
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    Engelhardt, H. Tristram Jr., and Mark J. Cherry, eds. Allocating Scarce Medical Resources: Roman Catholic Perspectives. [REVIEW]Mark J. Seitz - 2003 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 3 (2):417-418.
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    Philosophical Warnings on the Use of AI in Education: Timely Advice from Plato, Martin Heidegger, Zhuangzi, and C. S. Lewis.Mark J. Boone - forthcoming - Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies.
    Some important warnings about how we use technology in the philosophies of Plato, Martin Heidegger, Zhuangzi, and C. S. Lewis are relevant to the use of AI in education. Plato cautions us concerning what is lost when we let technology replace some of our own thinking processes. Far from making us more intelligent, the use of AI in writing falls into the mistakes Plato warns us against: We get lazy with learning and remembering, and we substitute a bundle of information (...)
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    “Undoing” a Rhetorical Metaphor: Testing the Metaphor Extension Strategy.J. Landau Mark, A. Keefer Lucas & Swanson Trevor James - 2017 - Metaphor and Symbol 32 (2):63-83.
    Political metaphors do more than punch up messages; they can systematically bias observers’ attitudes toward the issue at hand. What, then, is an effective strategy for counteracting a metaphor’s influence? One could ignore or criticize the metaphor, emphasizing strong counterarguments directly pertaining to the target issue. Yet if observers rely on it to understand a complicated issue, they may be reluctant to abandon it. In this case, a “metaphor extension” strategy may be effective: Encourage observers to retain the metaphor but (...)
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    Science Fiction and The Abolition of Man: Finding C. S. Lewis in Sci-Fi Film and Television.Mark J. Boone & Kevin C. Neece (eds.) - 2016 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
    The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis's masterpiece in ethics and the philosophy of science,warns of the danger of combining modern moral skepticism with the technological pursuit of human desires. The end result is the final destruction of human nature. From Brave New World to Star Trek, from Steampunk to starships, science fiction film has considered from nearly every conceivable angle the same nexus of morality, technology, and humanity of which C. S. Lewis wrote. As a result,science fiction film has (...)
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    Index for 1980.Mark J. Dresden, C. J. Dunn, Keith Hopwood, Bruce Ingham, N. David, Jan Knappert, E. U. Kratz & Michael Loewe - 2009 - In David Papineau (ed.), Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 101.
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  22. A Pastoral Theology of Desire: Reading Augustine’s Theology of Desire in A Broader Corpus.Mark J. Boone - 2024 - Vox Patrum 91.
    The Enarrationes in Psalmos are an important source for understanding the Augustinian theology of desire, linking it to his systematic theology and his pastoral practice. In this paper I illustrate by overviewing the expositions on Psalms 11 (12), 12 (13), 23 (24), and 26 (27). These Psalms teach us to love, trust, and seek God only, a failure to do which marks the Donatist schism. Augustine mingles ideas from pagan philosophy’s quest for eudaimonia or beata vita—the good, happy, and blessed (...)
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  23. (1 other version)A rate of incoherence applied to fixed-level testing.Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Joseph B. Kadane - 2002 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2002 (3):S248-S264.
    It has long been known that the practice of testing all hypotheses at the same level , regardless of the distribution of the data, is not consistent with Bayesian expected utility maximization. According to de Finetti’s “Dutch Book” argument, procedures that are not consistent with expected utility maximization are incoherent and they lead to gambles that are sure to lose no matter what happens. In this paper, we use a method to measure the rate at which incoherent procedures are sure (...)
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    Biotechnology and commodification within health care.Mark J. Hanson - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (3):267 – 287.
    The biotechnology industry's intellectual property claims contribute to a subtle but not insignificant encroachment of commodification within health care. Drawing on the conceptual framework of Margaret Jane Radin, I argue that patent claims on human biological materials may commodify that with which our personhood and individuality is intertwined but that such commodification is broad and incomplete. Patents on nonhuman biological organisms contribute to a more materialistic understanding of them but do not significantly change our relationship to them. The systemic effects (...)
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    The Place of the Heart in Lonergan's Ethics: The Role of Feelings in the Ethical Intentionality Analysis of Bernard Lonergan.Mark J. Doorley - 1996 - Upa.
    To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at
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  26. Is a market in human organs necessarily exploitative?Mark J. Cherry - 2000 - Public Affairs Quarterly 14 (4):337--360.
    Creation of for-profit markets in organs for transplantation ignites in many deep moral repugnance. Proposals to broker organs have been denounced by the US Congress and professional groups alike. Financial incentives are believed to undermine consent, coercing the poor into selling their organs, violating human dignity, and improperly commodifying the human body; such concerns are held to trump the possibility of increasing life-sustaining transplants. While such views summarize the apparent global consensus which marks worldwide prohibition of the sale of human (...)
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    Imagining a Fetus: Insights from talking with pregnant women about their decisions to undergo open-uterine fetal surgery.Mark J. Bliton - 2001 - In S. Kay Toombs (ed.), Handbook of Phenomenology and Medicine. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 393--415.
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    Seeking the favor of God, Vol 2: the development of penitential prayer in second temple Judaism.Mark J. Boda, Daniel K. Falk & R. Werline - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (4):1953-1954.
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  29. From Evidence to Total Commitment: Two Ways Faith Goes Beyond Reason.Mark J. Boone - 2021 - In Mark J. Boone, Rose M. Cothren, Kevin C. Neece & Jaclyn S. Parrish (eds.), The Good, the True, the Beautiful: A Multidisciplinary Tribute to Dr. David K. Naugle. Eugene, OR: Pickwick. pp. 172-192.
    We all know faith and reason are not exactly the same thing. What exactly is the difference, and how are they related? A good orthodox Christian answer is that faith transcends reason, and for at least two reasons. First, the doctrines of orthodox Christian theology are beyond comprehension. Second, faith requires a total commitment when reason can provide only partial evidence. We cannot act meaningfully if we act only halfway. If evidence produces a 95-percent probability that a certain conclusion is (...)
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    Socrates' Education to Virtue: Learning the Love of the Noble.Mark J. Lutz - 1998 - State University of New York Press.
    Argues that Plato's dialogues contain a surprisingly neglected account of Socrates' education about the love of noble virtue and that recovering this education could help broaden and deepen liberalism's moral and political horizon.
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    At the Foundations of Bioethics and Biopolitics: Critical Essays on the Thought of H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.Mark J. Cherry, Ana Iltis & Lisa M. Rasmussen (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume brings together a set of critical essays on the thought of Professor Doctor H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr., Co-Founding Editor of the Philosophy and Medicine book series. Amongst the founders of bioethics, Professor Engelhardt, looms large. Many of his books and articles have appeared in multiple languages, including Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese. The essays in this book focus critically on a wide swath of his work, in the process elucidating, critiquing, and/or commending the rigor and reach of (...)
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    Medicalization in psychiatry: the medical model, descriptive diagnosis, and lost knowledge.Mark J. Sedler - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):247-252.
    Medicalization was the theme of the 29th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care that included a panel session on the DSM and mental health. Philosophical critiques of the medical model in psychiatry suffer from endemic assumptions that fail to acknowledge the real world challenges of psychiatric nosology. The descriptive model of classification of the DSM 3-5 serves a valid purpose in the absence of known etiologies for the majority of psychiatric conditions. However, a consequence of the “atheoretical” (...)
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  33. "Can Faith Be Empirical?".Mark J. Boone - 2020 - Science and Christian Belief 32 (1):63-82.
    THIS IS A PRE-PUBLICATION VERSION OF THE PAPER and does not have the same pagination as the published version. -/- It is sometimes said that religious belief and empiricism are different or even incompatible ways of believing. However, William James and notable twentieth-century philosophers representing Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have argued that there is a high degree of compatibility between religious faith and empiricism. Their analyses suggest that there are three characteristics of empiricism—that an empiricist bases his beliefs (...)
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  34. Creating professional identity: Dilemmas and metaphors of a first‐year chemistry teacher.Mark J. Volkmann & Maria A. Anderson - 1998 - Science Education 82 (3):293-310.
  35. "The Master's Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Methods: An Alternative Perspective on Pedagogy".Mark J. Boone - 2021 - In Benedict S. B. Chan & Victor C. M. Chan (eds.), Whole Person Education in East Asian Universities: Perspectives from Philosophy and Beyond. Routledge.
    Although current educational priorities tend to avoid strong moral positions, one of the world's most venerable yet persistently influential moral traditions not only lays out a number of major moral principles but also incorporates them into its pedagogy. Confucius teaches us about the importance of seeking knowledge, learning how to learn, applying ancient wisdom to contemporary situations, valuing virtue over material gain, following the Golden Rule, and living by our principles. He also has ways of assessing his own students' progress (...)
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    Divergent Effects of Metaphoric Company Logos: Do They Convey What the Company Does or What I Need?Mark J. Landau, Noelle M. Nelson & Lucas A. Keefer - 2015 - Metaphor and Symbol 30 (4):314-338.
    Many corporate logos use pictorial metaphors to influence consumer attitudes. Priming concrete concepts—by means of logo exposure or other procedures—changes attitudes toward dissimilar abstract targets in metaphor-consistent ways. It is assumed, however, that observers apply a logo’s metaphor externally to interpret the company and its service. This research examined the possibility that observers may instead apply that metaphor internally to interpret their current condition and hence their need for the company’s service. We hypothesized that the same logo can have divergent (...)
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    Rethinking Peter Lombard's Corpus.Mark J. Clark - 2023 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 90 (2):229-289.
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  38. Paul, Apostle of the Living God: Kerygma and Conversion in 2 Corinthians.Mark J. Goodwin - 2001
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  39. "Is There Life in This Author?: The Living Author and the Business and Importance of the Humanities in South Asia".Mark J. Boone - 2022 - In Waseem Anwar & Nosheen Yousaf (eds.), Transcultural Humanities in South Asia: Critical Essays on Literature and Culture. Routledge.
    Original meaning generally and authorial intent specifically are relevant to textual meaning. The author is not dead—a reasonable common-sense view in the absence of extremely good contrary evidence. If anyone should offer such evidence, they will not be able to take credit for it—at least not for writing it down! Accordingly, humanities teachers should train students to understand original meaning and authorial intent. This is one reason the humanities will continue to be relevant to other fields of study. Finally, this (...)
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  40. Notes on the date and venue of the oration to the saints (cpg 3497).Mark J. Edwards - 2007 - Byzantion 77:149-169.
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    Happiness, Democracy, and the Cooperative Movement: The Radical Utilitarianism of William Thompson.Mark J. Kaswan - 2014 - SUNY Press.
    Examines the political significance of ideas about happiness through the work of utilitarian philosophers William Thompson and Jeremy Bentham. Happiness is political. The way we think about happiness affects what we do, how we relate to other people and the world around us, our moral principles, and even our ideas about how society should be organized. Utilitarianism, a political theory based on hedonistic and individualistic ideas of happiness, has been dominated for more than two-hundred years by its founder, Jeremy Bentham. (...)
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  42. Early christianity and philosophy.Mark J. Edwards - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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    Annals of Bioethics: Regional Perspectives in Bioethics.Mark J. Cherry & John F. Peppin - 2003 - Taylor & Francis.
    Regional Perspectives in Bioethics" illustrates the ways in which the national and international political landscape encompasses persons from diverse and often fragmented moral communities with widely varying moral intuitions, premises, evaluations and commitments.
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  44. Book Reviews-Persons and Their Bodies: Rights, Responsibilities, Relationships.Mark J. Cherry & Dahlian Kirby - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (2):172-173.
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  45. Financial conflicts of interest and the human passion to innovate.Mark J. Cherry - 2006 - In Ana Smith Iltis (ed.), Research ethics. London: Routledge.
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  46. Experience and experimentation: The meaning of experimentum in Aquinas.Mark J. Barker - 2012 - The Thomist 76 (1):37-71.
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    The Regulation of Understanding through Intellectual Virtue: Some Implications for Doctoral Education.Mark J. Ortwein - 2015 - Journal of Thought 49 (1-2):71.
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    The Conversion and Therapy of Desire: Augustine's Theology of Desire in the Cassiciacum Dialogues.Mark J. Boone - 2010 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
    The first fruits of the literary career of St. Augustine, the great theologian and Christian philosopher par excellence, are the dialogues he wrote at Cassiciacum in Italy following his famous conversion in Milan in 386 AD. These four little books, largely neglected by scholars, investigate knowledge, ethics, metaphysics, the problem of evil, and the intriguing relationship of God and the soul. They also take up the ancient philosophical project of identifying the principles and practices that heal human desires in order (...)
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    Eight reviews of Unified Theories of Cognition and a response.Mark J. Stefik & Stephen W. Smoliar - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 59 (1-2):261-263.
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    Internal friction near the néel temperature of chromium.Mark J. Klein - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (103):1-8.
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